Tagged: Construction tips
Starting a new project and you are wondering what RF connector would be most appropriate? Found an interesting webpage that has a simple, quick, clear, chart which shows us the maximum frequency range for...
I just ran across this article on E.D.N. for a simple, easy, fast, home-made fixture for measuring your capacitors. https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/all-aboard-/4460638/Solder-wick-trick-characterizes-bypass-caps
Found a good article on selecting fuses for your project on a website called “Power Electronics” Here is a snippet from that article, listing the design factors explained in the article. Proper selection of...
Oldy, but a goody, if you have trouble soldering your PL259 UHF connectors. This is a .wmv video, so it should play well in windows medial player, etc. How to solder a PL259_0001 (2017_02_06...